Lepolsk Matuszewski artiste peintre plasticien

Lepolsk Matuszewski  artiste peintre plasticien

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 Vu dans M6 déco - Metz magazine 07/2009 - Mirabelle TV - La maison Rabelais - Républicain Lorrain - France 5 TV.fr - Zoom webzine - La Plume Culturelle - France 2 TV - ARTE- La Maison France 5


N° SIRET : 509 146 841  
Maison Des Artistes : MA86507

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Peintre plasticien graffeur, adepte de l'expressionnisme abstrait contemporain, mes peintures sont le résultat visuel de mouvements corporels. Par superposition la matière crée des reliefs qui reflètent et captent la lumière, ainsi selon l'orientation de mes toiles, mais aussi en fonction de la « mobilité du spectateur » cette dernière joue par absorption et réflexion de la lumière que j'ai nommé l'innabstrait.
J'essaie de contrôler et reproduire selon mon interprétation l'éblouissement de la lumière naturelle. Né en Lorraine où j'ai passé mon enfance, d'un tempérament rêveur, j'aimais regarder ces exquises variations de lumière de l'aube à l'aurore. Aujourd’hui, mon atelier est situé en Catalogne Nord, au pays catalan. Je suis toujours resté envouté par la puissance de la lumière et son pouvoir de transfigurer la matière. Ses ombres et ses trajectoires explosent en moi comme des courbes musicales qui vibrent.

Quand je peins, je commence par créer de la matière avant tout processus visuel, j'utilise en premier le "sens du toucher", ensuite je peins un peu comme un aveugle, laissant la matière guider ma peinture et la couleur. La gestuelle semble alors prendre le dessus dans un élan créatif proche d'une transe introvertie. Cet état de concentration et indéfinissable mais comparable à une forme de "dialogue" entre la toile et mon psyché. A ce moment précis de la création, mon corps devient un outil, les formes, lignes et couleurs varient selon mon état du moment parfois vif, émotif, passionné, calme etc...

L'œuvre finale est une emprunte de mon acte gestuel intuitif et marqué par mes créations de mes plus jeunes années en street art. Elle est défini par les utilisations de "spray" utilisés pour le graffiti et par projections de peinture par « dripping dirigé » sortant volontairement du cadre de la toile. Le spectateur peu ainsi interpréter mon travail avec un regard plus ouvert sur ma peinture qui semble continuer au-delà de ses contours matériels.

Pyrénées-Orientales,Catalogne Nord, Saint-Laurent-de-la-salanque  


Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lepolsk
Twitter : Leposk_art

Lepolsk Matuszewski called " MISTER K "  is a contemporary abstract expressionist painter artist . His pictorial universe revolves around the letter K. His work marked a calligraphic gestures worked extensively gives this letter , " the most balanced of the alphabet, " according to the artist , an abstract dimension.

For him, the abstract is "subtract and not add " elements on a canvas. Thus, we understand why the artist refined his work to limit understandable, the rhetoric, the icon, where the Zen aspect of his work.

Inspired by emptiness, nothingness, "nothing" , it projects a message filled with emotions. The work speaks, but does not reveal everything. An element of mystery remains.

The action painting and various techniques for the artist , a way to express themselves , but with a master's degree in movement. They are not the visual result of careless movements , as one might think. His work is completely and perfectly controlled and not random . This style of painting is more difficult than it loses direct contact with the substrate.

The artist is also inspired by nature and its constituent elements and their colors in a set of chiaroscuro , duality is reminiscent of the yin and yang, another fundamental balance.

" The more I dive into the abstraction , the more I realize that knowledge, like learning painting techniques are obsolete ." The artist also noted that the existing tools on the market are poorly suitable to paint abstract . Each brush and painting knife are predestined to a specific use. This approach to painting, too far from him, he was forced , even unconsciously , to rethink its own tools. So , willfully negligent use of such tools " predestined " , he distanced himself from calligraphy to which one might associate with extension. Even if he does not like labels, Lepolsk Matuszewski is a fan of abstract expressionism.

"I think if we consider the personal involvement of the painter with his work, what makes this mystique , this is the part of yourself that you put in the table ." For the artist, the difference between those who create and those who look into the discovery of the artist. The viewer does not necessarily know all the artistic past of the creator. It is easier for him to throw in a work that looks like a foreign object in it . The artist is too close to his work for an objective look .

Lepolsk Matuszewski do not want ease. He did not search . He experimented , discovers and develops.

It is in this constant search what did this perspective the creation , specifically the creative process is more important than the final result. Before his works , the public wonders , mostly on technique. This leads him to use a complicated technique in some tables is only perfectionism .

In the case of his prototypes , he never answered questions. This is the element of mystery that maintains . The aim of his work is not to raise questions , but an emotion. Its prototypes are works that contain their own creative process. Is this not the epitome of art works when come to life and change depending on the look you wear them?

Workshop located to SAINT LAURENT DE LA SALANQUE,66250  South France





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  Artmajeur SILVER Award 2008 -2009 -2010 - 2011- 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 




(NEW)  LEPOLSK LIXOW GALERIE ( galerie de vente)  




#art artiste peintre créateur plasticien photographe streetart modernart abstract abstrait abstraction peinture dessin graffiti illustration squetch draw painter graffeur designer expressionniste expresionism water color couleur murale pinceau couteau 66  style oeuvre tableau  

